Sunday, March 20, 2011

Maintaining Strong Password

A strong password should have combinations of Alphabets, Numbers and Characters such as b.!@*^&)(~@. Remembering these passwords are very difficult.
Things to be remembered while creating strong passwords:
Use at least 8 characters or more to create a password. The more number of characters we use, the more secure is our password.

Use various combination’s of characters while creating a password. For example, create a password consisting of a combination of lowercase, uppercase, numbers and special characters etc.

Avoid using the words from dictionary. They can be cracked easily. Create password such as that it can be remembered. These avoid the need to write password somewhere, which is not advisable.

A change password must be difficult to guess. Change the password frequently.

Guidelines to maintaining a good password:
Change the password once in two weeks or when you suspect someone knows the password.
Do not use a password that was used earlier.
Be careful while entering a password when someone is sitting beside you.
Store the passwords on computer with the help of an encryption utility.
Do not use the name of things located around you as passwords for your account.
